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Comedian, ted lyde, father of a Special Needs Son & a Near Genius Daughter, Hosts a PODCAST that focuses on Life, Marriage and the ART of Moving Forward when you feel so Very Stuck. 

Oct 27, 2016

Ted talks about Blocking people on Social Media and Comedian, Actor, Steve Seagren talks about what it means to be a Cubs Fan, Comedy and how conversations can turn Ugly fast..

Oct 20, 2016

Marlon Young talks Acting 101, Competition vs Rivalry, Escaping small-town life and surprising early influences. Ted decodes a cryptic review.
I'm really very proud of this episode...

Oct 13, 2016

Actor, Mother, Wife Leila Charles Leigh, talks about the joys of Career, Parenting and how women should push back on provincial sexual stereotypes.

Oct 6, 2016

Ted Argues with Progressive Liberal Democrat and Creator of the documentary, The Other Side, Joe McGovern, who recently grew tired of the extreme political division in America and decided to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
In The Other Side: (a liberal democrat explores conservative America) Joe sets out to talk to...