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Comedian, ted lyde, father of a Special Needs Son & a Near Genius Daughter, Hosts a PODCAST that focuses on Life, Marriage and the ART of Moving Forward when you feel so Very Stuck. 

May 28, 2017

Comedian, Ruben Paul speaks candidly about being raised in America by immigrant Parents. We discuss racism and loss and remaining positive in the face of tragedy.

May 20, 2017

If you're a Comedy Fan, like me, you will enjoy this candid conversation with one of the Funniest Comedians EVER, Wendy Liebman. We talk about Writing, Career, Success & Weed.



May 13, 2017

Comedian John Novotny talks Bill Hicks, Chicago Comedy and that time a truck smashed into his car and almost killed him. We also cover Health Care and Ted's transition to Veganism.



May 6, 2017

A favorite of the Podcast, Kevin Linell returns to talk about life, faith and politics.