Mar 26, 2015
Writer, Producer, Devon Shepard talks about working on the TV Shows BEING MARY JANE, WEEDS and HOUSE OF LIES. We also discuss ways to improve life in America... without being beaten or shot on your way home from work.
Funny Real Conversation! Super RAW!!! Enjoy!
Mar 19, 2015
Bridget Fonger, Author of Superhero Of Love, talks about Love, Life and the Process of working through heartbreak. We discuss the dangers of ignoring that tiny voice in your head that tells you to RUN away from Toxic people the minute they revel themselves! ENJOY!
Mar 12, 2015
Ted talks to his Lovely Wife of 24 years. Jaime Steedman - Lyde
is Hilarious and Mean and makes Ted sorry he invited her to
Politics, Love and Children are the topics of the DAY.
Mar 5, 2015
Alyson Fouse, Writer on ABC's UNCLE BUCK & Head Writer of TV ONE's Hit Sitcom, Born Again Virgin talks about Life with me. Sometimes in life you get to work with people you LOVE! For me, Alyson Fouse is one such person. We Met during Everybody Hates Chris' 1st Season, when the show was at it's absolute best. Alyson is...