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Comedian, ted lyde, father of a Special Needs Son & a Near Genius Daughter, Hosts a PODCAST that focuses on Life, Marriage and the ART of Moving Forward when you feel so Very Stuck. 

Dec 4, 2019

Sharon Tosten (also known as) S. Kennedy Tosten is an award winning author and screenwriter. Sharon joins Ted to discuss her experience raising a special needs son.

We also talk about Sharon's book series, Troy's Amazing Universe. Based on her son, Troy's, rich and glowing imagination and how the smallest kid in...

Nov 24, 2019

AGT Casting Producer, Naela Durrani talks about her work on America's Got Talent. We discuss what it takes to get on the show and how Naela copes with sorting the Talented from the Weird and how sometimes the two are one in the same. 

Nov 11, 2019

Pete George returns to talk about his 60 Days acting on the set of Shawshank Redemption. 

Funny Real Conversation 

Oct 29, 2019

Shana Mangatal is Back for her 6th Visit to the Podcast.  A special Halloween conversation for Michael Jackson Fans. ENJOY.

Oct 17, 2019

Comedian, Pete George talks to Ted about Marriage, Divorce, Career and Parenting.  We also discuss The Forum as a personal development option, as apposed to carrying a bunch of baggage around that will never help you... or anyone around you.